Website – we are making preparations for the new design, information is being structured.
The Helpdesk is a universal solution, fully integrated with the main platform, and allows for news, articles and documentation on the project to be accumulated in one official place.
We resolved many problems, implemented some improvements and added new options to the mobile application.
We carried out large-scale processing and full integration of DAPP into the authorization system. Now it is possible not only to connect via DAPP application, but also to create new profiles, associate your fenomy ID with any number of bep20 wallets, and authorize without using a secret code. In the future, these capabilities will be extended to other networks, and we will add new types of authorization.
The Telegram bot is also an important component of the ecosystem. We are implementing it slowly because it is connected to other components of the system. The system's features will be used directly from Telegram in the future.
People's Dispatcher - development and testing are now finished. The tool is operational and is now awaiting the addition of other components required for full functionality and the formation of a community.
Our Blockchain will first be used to ensure that all operations within the system are secure. A transaction will confirm each operation between users. Financial transactions, including transfers between members, are considered secondary, and thus are not permitted until all work is completed, and the network is fully operational.
Mobile devices with installed applications take the lead in the network. To join the network, you must enable the Blockchain option and meet the requirements, which include giving the application all the rights required during installation, the ability to work in the background, and access to geolocation.
A network-connected device performs routine tasks. There are currently two types, with more to come in the future. The number of tasks completed is shown in the same block as own and other. The task of forming your own block is called Own, while the task of confirming the hash of someone else's block is called Other. 1 own block grants the right to confirm 1 another's block. The next blocks are made up of both your own and someone else's blocks. When blocks are added to a transaction, they live until they are validated. This is a type 3 task. Each task is rewarded in some way. Each task has a different cost. An own block is more expensive.
The number of system rewards is affected by reputation. At first, any member can participate in the network without any additional conditions, but there will be restrictions on the minimum reputation value.
The initial accruals will be increased, and the number of accruals will decrease as the number of network members increases.