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Published Jul 06, 2022 10:58
Last update Apr 27, 2023 08:07

Fenomy Reputation, or FR for short, is the Reputation parameter in Fenomy.

Members’ reputations have a direct impact on their system capabilities and help other members make decisions when forming relationships. Relationships are formed, both with people you know personally and with those you trust. This person must also have a good reputation, having previously proven themselves to be a reliable friend or partner. This system ensures that you can rely on your relationships completely.

What factors influence FR?

Account age, number of relations, partners, system credits, transactions, incident participation, ratings of completed tasks, reputation of groups, companies, and associations in which the member participates, reputation of everyone with whom the member establishes a first circle relationship, and over a hundred other variables all influence the reputation parameter.
How to make a good reputation for yourself?
Everyone has a reputation of 115 points from the moment they register in the system. It is regarded as the standard minimum from which a member can build their reputation in the system. If a user remains in the system but does not participate in any system or community activities, his or her reputation will grow slowly in comparison to those who do participate in the community.

  • Profile age. It is calculated from the first login in into the system and the first registration reward.
  • Connection times and activity in the system.
  • Whether the application is installed on a mobile device.
  • Whether personal data is entered.
  • Whether email is confirmed.
  • Whether the skill’s field is filled out.
  • Commitment to accept or create tasks.
  • Commitment to receive or send signals.
  • Number of relations in circles.
  • Reputation of relations.
  • Balance of FNM and tokens.
  • Participation in groups of all types.
  • Reputation of groups.
  • Participation in the Ambassador program.
  • Participation in the testing.
  • Cheating, mass registrations and other suspicious activity.
  • Warnings and complaints.
  • Availability of a personal link, public QR codes.
  • The number of active referrals.
  • People's dispatch.
  • Participation in the Fenomy Blockchain.
  • Bound BSC wallets.
  • Whether the collection of logs is enabled.
  • Public reputation.

How is it calculated?

The reputation parameter is calculated using complex algorithms that include more than 150 system member parameters. The number of parameters will only increase over time as the ecosystem expands and there are more points on which the reputation can rely.

What else does reputation have an impact on?

  • participation in groups and incidents if other members establish specific parameters.
  • the number of Fenomy credits available for system tasks

Fenomy reputation is a vital part of the Fenomy ecosystem and impacts lots of system features and user capabilities. The number of parameters will continue to grow as the system expands and more variables are added to the FR.

Fenomy Team reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, or remove portions of the announcements at any time by posting the amended version on the website.

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